Wednesday, February 5, 2020


Its been awhile so where to start. So I have been on a huge journey of self discovery, and I'm no longer angry. I am just another human that is a constant work in progress. I am 100 percent a polyamorus human, and I have learned about unconditional love. What its like to live life without love with boundaries and what life can be with open minds,hearts, heads and of course healthy boundaries. I will admit this journey has had its trials and trust me some of them I thought I was breaking inside however I realised it was just an evolution of my soul, heart and my love. Life has been so much more peaceful since I have quit holding back and just opening myself up even when sometimes I even see the failure ahead. I know now that moving forward open communication is always key to any healthy relationship or evolution to oneself. Its not hard to be a good human. Once you have a true ego death and realise its not selfish to love the way your heart loves,and not restrict it to the usage of what society says is proper. Who is to say what each individual has inside their hearts and how each individual heart so desires. The heart is in the eye of the beholder and it's up to oneself to treat their own hearts right on top of the others they so choose to love. And I have been through battles with people who claim to be monogomaus and then cheating and its like be poly be honest open and communicate. It is different watching from this side and realising that I'm more grown and evolved than I thought.