Monday, January 10, 2022

Is it destiny

 How to precive destiny vs fate, its weird this becomes the topic of thought and of talk within my morning reading. I feel like destiny lead me where i am today, but fate is the paths to create your own destiny. Creating ones destiny is like carving into a piece of wood trying to figure out the perfect smoothness before sanding it down. Does destiny make us blind to the paths of destiny or does destiny control the paths of fate? Its a huge downstream of big thoughts vs hopes and dreams. We all hope that we have a destiny pre determined by the gods saught out to be the "perfect path." Im slowly learning that there is no perfect path all paths lead to a differnet kind of struggle or problem you must solve to get to the next checkpoint in what we call our written paths. What path determines our destiny or fate for that reason? This is the million dollar question I know more than me has asked nyself. It is a simple but complicated answer, you can not change the past but the future can be forever changing depending on the path you take or in dumb terms your choices. Life when they say can be what you make it they mean just that make good choices have a good life make bad choices... I am sure you can understand from there although they do say people change. Absolutely, I agree, but check this logic it is because they choose to change and make better choices. See logic can be a friend when used for a more clear perception of something. Someone once told me perception is reality just as much as words are magick. So the future can be whatever you want it. Let us just hope there are more seeds than weeds out there who understand life can be a challenge but it can also be very rewarding.