Warning! Warning! There is a new problem emerging among clans, brotherhoods, and battle buddies. It is the parasite known as a "Gamer Ho," This is usually someone new whom ends up playing a game with a clan, and being the parasite they become it brakes up battle-buddies. I need my battle buddies back, gamer ho's quit being so loose with your 20,000 gamer score and flaunting it everywhere making clans brake up. How dare you! Now these people are everywhere making it hard for brotherhoods to stay the same. What is a war without your best lookout? Nothing I tell you nerds, because that person is too busy flirting to fight along the side of his brother/sister. Gamers beware of this person, and it is causing Xbox drama everywhere, and making it really hard for Clans to keep the prime members because they want to fight over the gamer ho. This is making the lives of brotherhoods become enemies, and with the people no longer fighting side by side it makes you weak to the opposition. For you loose gamers out there; Act right. I do not have the time to put forth all the effort to keep these people out of the gaming world, so make my life easy. Announcement to gamer world:*You over there with the 20,000 gamer score, keep your loose Xbox away from me, and my battle buddies, Thanks.*
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