Monday, May 11, 2020


I found this and decided to write about some of my travels i have a lot of catching up to do. It has been such a wonderfully, hard, wonderful, happy, exciting and chaotic journey for me. I have been on trips which ill write Seperately about to tell those side missions. I have realised over the years family is what you make of it, it may not even be blood but its still family. I finally found mine after such a long journey here in Florida they are known as the red lion and feel good fam. Its like a hippie gang of do good people who are lighthouses even when they aren't so bright. It seems like I finally found my perfect weird which tends to not come so easily.I have noticed people saying things like, "you guys are so lucky," or "I wish I had friends like that." Y'all we aren't friends we are family we break bread together,fight,love, adventure and sometimes even live together. These people are magick and just like me we are always searching for a greater understanding, more light or even more knowledge. It isn't always a perfect picture, however these humans are the ones who understand me the most and that is what real family is.they put up with you at your worst, love you at your best, and above all support all the crazy dreams and desires you have. They tend to bring out the best in you and I'm lucky to finally have found a garden where I'm not the weirdest flower. Life is so beautiful and I am blessed.

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