Saturday, December 14, 2013

New Vs. Old Round 1

So I have been looking around at old game systems, and new ones also, and has anyone else remembered there were no Save Files for Nintendo, the option was to leave the game on all night or make it to level 25 and dreadfully turn the power button off and be so mad the next day to why did I just do that? Well I have noticed something very noticeable about old and new systems I will start here with Round 1: on the old school Nintendo there were cartridges Vs. Now disks. Nintendo you could leave on all night with out over heating, unless it got the weird digitized screen or pink screen, and I know everyone who played the original Mario remembers this. Although the new systems have automatic save the over heating problem only solved with inter-coolers, storage space and disks.To me that is not a problem solved only a band aid on the truth old school systems were hardcore in the means of playing. I personally remember making bets on how fast I could get to a certain level or beat a certain "Boss," and now the lime light of gaming is centered around cheat codes specialized weapons and save points, and here is my point older systems were technically harder and more fierce because of the low graphics, longer levels, harder levels, and dying every random cliff or whatever the games basis was. I am not however saying the new systems are terrible I own the Xbox 360 and I have a personal connections with "Darkwing" (Thats my Consoles name) I just sometimes miss a good challenge and record beating of side by side multi-player and multi-player in general not many new consoles offer good split screen games, and the ones offered I promise I have played and beaten at least once. I can not be the only person feeling the phase out of older systems disheartening and completely ludicrous, and this is only for the fact the younger generation will never know how to clean a cartridge with a q-tip or play all night only to make it to the castle which you lost your last life on to restart. I will always have a soft spot in my heart for older systems and I know a lot are phased out, but no worries to the classic gamer Nintendos, Super Nintendo, Saga, Game Boy, Game Cube, etc. can still be found on ebay, amazon, and various pawn shops and I will say there is a new older system its is called the Hyperkin Retro 3 it has other names but this console is a new console but plays Nintendo, Super Nintendo, and Sega Genesis games all in one system. It comes in various colors and is around 70.00$ not to bad for a 3-in-1. There is also some new old systems called throwbacks they have so many games from the specific console sold at all kinds of stores, for instance the Atari throw back features like 80 games I think for 49.99 and the Sega throw back for 59.99 and I cant remember how many games it has built right in. So no fear gaming nerds there are systems still around that you can play your classics on. I know that new game systems are created so many a year but don't worry a classic is a classic without them the gaming industry honestly would not have gotten as far as it has today. All classics have paved the way to online gaming, sharing, competing, and pro gamers, but I am not sure if a today pro-gamer could beat the old school arcade gamer at Pac man or pinball, but it would be something I would be interested in seeing with my own eyes. Although not many old games themselves are sold they are around, and some of you may still own a console or two, if you do happen to own an older console let the younger generation play at least once just to get giggles of how many times they die and/or ask you for help. Do you guys think games or games? Do you think old is better than new at a harder level play, and obvious reasoning says all newer systems have better graphics, questions or comments post on it.

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