Friday, December 27, 2013

The Originals Are not always better

Hey nerds out there, so I have a random rant I must go on. Over the holiday I get my systems back from my younger sister under the circumstance I let her keep the original XBOX, and so I think to myself, "Ok, I have a 360, and I do not care about the fist Xbox because this is one thing Microsoft did not get right." Little did I know I would be receiving two boxes full of cords, funny smells, and a world of frustration. This sign on was going to be harder than I had originally thought. After two hours I finally got all of the cords separated only to find that the controller was missing the main cord to the system, and on top of that there were no games included to test if the system did work;" Thanks little sister for forsaking me with this mess in the first place," I thought to myself. So I get to work the stupid tray wont open, so off to Google I go and low and behold I find a forum for old school Xbox made by Microsoft themselves, and I am going to leave it nameless for the instructions I received were so ludicrous I don't want my beloved 360 company to be blamed. Step 1. take a butter knife and try to pry the tray open, Step 2. if the knife does not work use a paper clip, Step 3. if nothing works hit the top of the console. No lie step 1 and 2 epic fail, but step 3. well it seemed to work quite well, thank goodness for old fashioned barbaric tactics. I get the tray open only to realize the stupid cord needed teeth fixed after 2 more hours of frustration i fix those and still does not work, so then off to EBAY I go only to find out console working is twenty dollars with everything except for a game, so complete waste of my time and energy on something that needs a bat took to it. I call my sibling and tell her the news and tell her to get the PS2 for an older system and leave it at that. All this work for something I should have known the original XBOX sucks and will always be at the bottom of my list for old systems. I am however glad that Microsoft did so much better with the 360 kudos to you guys. I will never take on another original Xbox, and no one can make me. Xbox original you can just die and stay dead for I will not waste any more energy trying to bring you back. Your bulky, loud, and frankly annoying, and I do not need you in my life. Super nerds don't be fooled by the word original sometimes it is not better.    

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