Monday, May 28, 2018


It is totally fine to want more out of life to be the best version of oneself. Although getting there takes more courage and strength than most people have. I often get discouraged wanting to give up, and then I remember I am no quitter, I'm only here to succeed in whatever I put my mind to. Sometimes staying positive is easier said than done, especially when it seems like nothing is happening fast enough for my liking. Patience is something that I am still learning to grasp and hold on to, and someone special to me told me patience is just having a positive attitude why you wait on the outcome you want to happen. It don't mean you have to be ok with how long it takes. So this is where I am, I am impatiently waiting for the next step I have a plan A and B. It is time to move forward and don't give up. I can have hope I can accomplish anything if I can keep myself from giving up on myself. This post is obviously a deeper meaning, positive vibes situation. Sometimes you just have to bring out the best in yourself without hesitating. Look at where it will take you. Life is only what you make of it so make it something later you will be proud of.

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