Friday, May 30, 2014

All that noise on the radio

A day or so ago, my partner and I were having a conversation about music. We came to the realization there is very little good music left in the world. Now, it seems that there are three types of music; Rap,Scream-o, and Country. What happened to all of the different types of bands, variation of sounds, boy/ girl bands, good concerts, and mixed tapes. I feel sorry for the younger generation because the fact of the matter is they will never hear the weekly top 40 or trade a Teen Bop poster. This hopefully will not drown out the last little talents we have left in the world. I am so disappointed in music these days and how it "came so far," just to be an epic fail. I do not miss cassette tapes because of the hassle, but I do miss music on MTV, different music on one tape, and broadcasted concerts that were not holographic. Back in the day Teen Beat and mixed tapes were a right of passage, you say Teen Beat to a kid these days they ask what state. Our future looks like no dancing, a real life FOOTLOOSE. A country without decent music is a very boring place indeed. I can also honestly say I can not remember the last time I bought a CD that I waited x-amount of time to get. These rights of passages that the younger generations lack will keep them from ever being able to become a music critic. There is no way to become a music critic with training from noise. I listen to all different types of music so I think I may have rights to speak on this topic because you guys should know I matter. Like I am head queen of music that is entirely correct, I am in no way rich, but I am completely qualified to talk on this topic. Those who believe this statement to be true say amen. Someone please explain to me where all the boy and girl bands went, they all disappeared about the same time. Like someone kidnapped all of our sappy love songs, silk shirts, hearts torn up, love like candy, and mmmm bops, and just what happened to them. I can probably count how many times I have listened to the radio since I have been a grown up. I usually use CD's or my mp3 player, even though I talk about rights of passage, the noise on the radio is not as good as my new school technology has. How many 6th graders are going to get the no box now you can't announce your love via mix tape? I vote we bring back real music, and put it in there with mixed mp3 playlists, and you have an updated version of back then. Music come back to the world and don't take your time. Lets get the noise off the radio and put music back in action.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

If I was Spiderman

If I was Spiderman, I would be bitten by a spider first off so in the beginning I  instantly hate radioactive spiders because now when I sneeze to hard I get glued to my ceiling. The only downside is spring cleaning and dusting my house for cobwebs, around here Mary and I call them Spidey web because I am ultra sensitive on seeing or hearing people talk about my web problem, this makes my senses tingly. I can do everything a Spider can but I am scared of rolled newspaper still to this day, notice I worked for the paper, but never read it; I thought it would conquer my fears, and it did not. However, I have Mary Jane and everyone seems to love that. I like to make-out hanging upside down because it gives me confidence in myself and my web, and as you can see my web is not typical because it supports like a 160 pound man just fine, and my Dr. says a spray of web a day keeps the Dr. away, and my only response to that is my web is what took me to the doctor to begin with. I was just fine before the Peter Parker loving spider bit me to begin with. I am the only Superhero who could climb the ceiling to catch my lady, so eat your heart out Hulk; I am SPIDERMAN!

If I was aquaman

Are you kidding me? Id kill myself because I am the lamest superhero of all time. Im a tuna whisper go me.....

If I was Batman

If I was Batman I would have a sidekick. I could drive the batmobile to work, on dates, and through a drive through to get a cheeseburger (Batman was known as American he loves cheese burgers too) . I would have a lot of money to do with what I wanted. I could make robin wash the car, I could bring my homies to chill in the Bat cave, I would have a butler whom was obviously A spy of some sort for all the secrets he kept, and cleaning up he did. I would have more gadgets than RadioShack; They got questions, I got the answers. All different types of costumes, and a fire pole. Enough villains to buy and create a basketball team. I automatically have a ride or die with Robin he would take a bullet for me. I have my own gang sign and lighthouse light. I own half of the city I protect. I own multiple companies, and a vintage lot of cars. I am apparently immune to the zombie virus because I am Batman.

My super powers

If i could have any superpower I think Id mimic Superman's powers. Simple fact is he is faster than a speeding bullet, has xray vision, can fly, can change a small areas to whole new wardrobe, and he is a worker also. Lets say I want to travel, well guess what I get to save money, and fly there I am sure with his super strength and power of flight combined would be less of mishap with the luggage and it would save time and money. Money saved is always a good thing, but this also would save on packing because youu couuld just fly there and back to change everyday it would only take like 5 minutes tops a day. That still leaves time to say you have nothing to wear, go shopping and get ready no hastle. Now the super speed also would make the spouse happy with household chores or the all dreaded honey do list, so these two powers are epic just for the last two reasons alone. It is true what they say, "Happy wife, happy life." Now the xray vision would just basically be a destination travel toy because you could scope out the best bars withougt going in, to see if it is the real latest spot, you could check the plane for bombs for people of other families, you could spy on your kids, if your single there is the shower spy, ladies dressing room, you could cheat on the how many is in this jar game, this list just keeps getting better. Superman officially has now became at least ten more peoples favorite so lets keep it going. Super speed could also like be used for personal gain, and lets face it some people need to gain something besides all the other reasons listed. If you don't like your family/inlaws fast forward until their visit is over. More time for lazy football if you didn't want to do chores, it would take like two seconds to do a days worth of chores. I could keep listing reasons, so if I could have any super power it would be Superman.

My Bucket list

So it has occured to me I have yet to publish my bucket list. Sorry for this nerds, I am not quite sure on my final result of my list. I know I can not be the only person whom is unsure of what there list of must dos before death has not even been considered. However, I do know some things that will be present, and this will not come in any sort of order. This way it also makes it easier on me. Ok so here we go,                                 A. start or join a flash mob dance
B. watch the sunset with someone I love
C. own a tree home
D.stay the night in a light house a steam engine or make a steam engine
F. make love in the rain
G. dance for no reason with someone close to
H. start a new trend word
I. travel overseas
J. become a knight aka get knighted
K. go on a cruise
L. sing to the elevator music when people are in there with me
M. Hit the 1 million gamer score on xbox 360
N. adopt a child
O. Learn 3 other languages other than english.
P.. high five a random stranger
Q. Go to a wine vineyard and drink wine
R. Play a video game with someone famous
S. ride in a hot air baloon
T. mine and find a diamond on the arizona diamond mine attraction
U. mine for gold
V. adopt a road and name it
W. own a gaming company
X. travel somewhere with no plans
Y. get on a random plane trip to somewhere I have not seen yet
Z. stay on a train shuttle deal with the cabin room areas
AA. learn to play a random instrument  and rock at it
BB. Find a leprechaun in Ireland, and preserve their land
CC. see a fairy
DD. build a steam engine
EE. Successfully build a noteable blog following
FF. go to a vineyard to wine taste
GG. smash the grapes with my feet, only to not drink the wine because I hate feet
This is my official list so far. I know it is quite different than most and as I complete them or have completed them I will try to either mark it out with a highlighted area or write a post about it. I know that my list is not as crazy as most would think but remember I am not yet finished, and still have no order because I feel to put my list in order would be the hardest task because I want to do them all before I die. I have high expectations of myself as you can also see.                                                                                                                                                          

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

C's Get Degrees

One night one of my partners friends came for a visit, and before this time I had only had a brief conversation with Jill so I knew not really of how she was. Jill is a character and is definitely worthy of a blog post. All three of us are sitting on the couch chatting, and talking about college. (You know, whats your major, how long have you been going, is it hard, do you like your teachers...etc.) As the conversation keeps going Jill looks at me and my partner and tells us someone told me the greatest thing, and I remind myself of this, "C's get degrees, this guy says to me one day, and I say awesome so what do D's get? Nothing, then I will just try harder next time." This is the perfect way to explain college, class is not always fun or easy, but simple fact remains, C's get degrees, and a C is not a fail its an attempt at a hard class or one that is not easy to explain to your friends. Usually if you have a hard time explaining something it is a hard task in general. Just know D's don't make degrees, and C's could be B's with effort and sometimes sleepless nights, cranky coffee mornings, possible tutoring sessions, and hard exams. Now, reading it like that just do your best and try to get that degree for your dream job, but don't forget C's get degrees.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Gaming app for a cause

I am one of the many guilty people to download apps and play mindlessly for hours, and why am I playing this app probably for one of these three reasons. Reason 1: Bordom, Reason 2: To beat a mass amount of other players scores, and Reason 3: There is nothing better to do. These reasons are not good enough when you could be playing for free and helping people. The all well known Facebook has this game app called WeTopia, I first heard of this game off of the Ellen show because some how she knows some people involved with the game, but it is Ellen she knows everyone, and is a good business person in general, so this makes Ellen highly respected to me. (this could be a whole subject on its own so I shall continue.) This game is something simple it works off Facebook, and is free to play, and there is a lot to explain from this game so I will do my best to touch all the basis of the game. This game is simple first off very easy to get into and they do walk you through as you go, this is a game you DO NOT have to spend money on, I mean the option is there for those who want, but it is not necessary. The game uses something called joy to donate to the different charities. Joy can be earned by doing missions, joy grounds, some house, and the bonus wheel. It is very simple to get into, and one could even choose the charity/region that your "joy" goes too. If you are one of those types that wonder why more help is not in our home region, well this one is you can choose only to give to the United States or wherever your little heart desires. Sending joy is the easy part, but you can only send minimum 100 joy and max has no limit, but to keep playing I would only send 1000 at a time max because when you send you also get more energy 1 per hundred, but after 1000 you only get 10 energy, so if you send 3000 one only gets 10 energy, but if you send 1000 three times which is still the 3000 you get thirty energy. This is a trick I learned while playing to keep your energy built up, but energy does regenerate over time by itself. There is also some communities that are dedicated to this game alone because some of the missions you need friends help to complete, so there is a way to keep it going for free, one must just spend the small amount of time playing, and if anyone whom wants to play will leave me a comment with your Facebook name I will message you so we can be "neighbors" on the game. There is a lot to cover with this game for it to be so simple because it has been going for awhile now, and does tell you how all the help is distributed. It works on percentages until they get too one hundred percent they will not reset to new ones. Sometimes this can make me mad especially if I have given a lot of joy to one particular, but instead of getting all upset I just sit on my joy until it resets again, which is my choice. This game has given so much to different things I list just a few that I remember. Haiti book drive, United States after school programs, Haiti hot meals, and U.S. love to read. The list could be bigger but to save time I just listed some from the recent playing. Check it out on Facebook, Wetopia needs to get out there because it is free, and if you can help real people for free why not spend 10 minutes a day doing some clicking because I know I spend more time than that just scrolling through Facebook posts, and "liking things." Check out Wetopia you will be glad you did, and feel good for helping others at no cost.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Accessories for a cause

Introducing a brand new product: Face Charity Watch. This watch is pretty stylish, and my nerdette and I were in Memphis for the music fest when hearing of this new watch. I instantly went to Google and mapped it out to the official website. These watches also are sold at journeys for around $45. So from the site they may be a tad more expensive I am unsure of price difference. This watch supports a cause and the cause is your choice, but here is the downside there are certain colors for certain charities, so you like blue well you are getting this pictured below which is the Environment watch. 1 watch= 1 charcoal efficient stove. They also actually tell you what each watch will provide as I listed. so check them out when thinking of a new watch they also will help a cause. Remember as Americans we must support all the 99 million charities out there because it is what we say is right. Now that I have made you feel bad because you only donated a dollar to the local fire department, go out and get one of these below and support your cause of choice.