Thursday, May 15, 2014

Gaming app for a cause

I am one of the many guilty people to download apps and play mindlessly for hours, and why am I playing this app probably for one of these three reasons. Reason 1: Bordom, Reason 2: To beat a mass amount of other players scores, and Reason 3: There is nothing better to do. These reasons are not good enough when you could be playing for free and helping people. The all well known Facebook has this game app called WeTopia, I first heard of this game off of the Ellen show because some how she knows some people involved with the game, but it is Ellen she knows everyone, and is a good business person in general, so this makes Ellen highly respected to me. (this could be a whole subject on its own so I shall continue.) This game is something simple it works off Facebook, and is free to play, and there is a lot to explain from this game so I will do my best to touch all the basis of the game. This game is simple first off very easy to get into and they do walk you through as you go, this is a game you DO NOT have to spend money on, I mean the option is there for those who want, but it is not necessary. The game uses something called joy to donate to the different charities. Joy can be earned by doing missions, joy grounds, some house, and the bonus wheel. It is very simple to get into, and one could even choose the charity/region that your "joy" goes too. If you are one of those types that wonder why more help is not in our home region, well this one is you can choose only to give to the United States or wherever your little heart desires. Sending joy is the easy part, but you can only send minimum 100 joy and max has no limit, but to keep playing I would only send 1000 at a time max because when you send you also get more energy 1 per hundred, but after 1000 you only get 10 energy, so if you send 3000 one only gets 10 energy, but if you send 1000 three times which is still the 3000 you get thirty energy. This is a trick I learned while playing to keep your energy built up, but energy does regenerate over time by itself. There is also some communities that are dedicated to this game alone because some of the missions you need friends help to complete, so there is a way to keep it going for free, one must just spend the small amount of time playing, and if anyone whom wants to play will leave me a comment with your Facebook name I will message you so we can be "neighbors" on the game. There is a lot to cover with this game for it to be so simple because it has been going for awhile now, and does tell you how all the help is distributed. It works on percentages until they get too one hundred percent they will not reset to new ones. Sometimes this can make me mad especially if I have given a lot of joy to one particular, but instead of getting all upset I just sit on my joy until it resets again, which is my choice. This game has given so much to different things I list just a few that I remember. Haiti book drive, United States after school programs, Haiti hot meals, and U.S. love to read. The list could be bigger but to save time I just listed some from the recent playing. Check it out on Facebook, Wetopia needs to get out there because it is free, and if you can help real people for free why not spend 10 minutes a day doing some clicking because I know I spend more time than that just scrolling through Facebook posts, and "liking things." Check out Wetopia you will be glad you did, and feel good for helping others at no cost.

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