Thursday, May 29, 2014

If I was Batman

If I was Batman I would have a sidekick. I could drive the batmobile to work, on dates, and through a drive through to get a cheeseburger (Batman was known as American he loves cheese burgers too) . I would have a lot of money to do with what I wanted. I could make robin wash the car, I could bring my homies to chill in the Bat cave, I would have a butler whom was obviously A spy of some sort for all the secrets he kept, and cleaning up he did. I would have more gadgets than RadioShack; They got questions, I got the answers. All different types of costumes, and a fire pole. Enough villains to buy and create a basketball team. I automatically have a ride or die with Robin he would take a bullet for me. I have my own gang sign and lighthouse light. I own half of the city I protect. I own multiple companies, and a vintage lot of cars. I am apparently immune to the zombie virus because I am Batman.

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