I only believe this happens because I have ADHD, and have met quite a few people in a different manner as for friendships, and I met the human I intended on marrying online so the missing piece here is the word communication. This word is so important regardless of the how and reason being because not communicating makes people bitter against one another or could potentially destroy friendships and let's be honest no one wants that. Learning that each individual human makes communication differently makes life interesting to say the least because also learning that alot of people don't communicate in the same manner or have a different way of reaching out. It may be over a phone or text message these days, personal advice dont give important news via text it takes the sizzle away. I am working everyday on communication and how to better interact amongst humanity and blend in as what society says semi-normal is, it would be a complete lie if I tried to claim normalcy it is just not my style and has never honestly been part of my journey.
This could very well be the land of make believe re-mastered 4-d to make humanity experience life in different ways with different technology. Like a science experiment, but humanity happens to be the actual hypothesis. Imagine man creating fire and being so exited the human accidentally burned the village or flip side they learned how to warm meat with the fire. This is The whole two sided coin situation,but humanity is one side and whatever higher being is the other. When someone flips said coin, you hope the higher power has you protected no matter the outcome. The outcome could be something amazing, but it could also be a disappointment, disaster,joke. Im pretty sure this is what the saying ,"don't get your hopes up," comes from. Every human is hoping to do something amazing enough that that higher power looks out otherwise.... The hopes get up and there tends to be a crash because you expected something from the universe, and the universe doesn't understand positive and negative it just understands universal terminology.
That terminology is what tends to be what humanity considered or comsiders normal. Normal,for the fact that the government finally made the announcement that aliens do exist... So that is a thought maybe four. Great thing about a different type of brain we are allowed to think about six impossible things before breakfast, and then the solution to the impossible problems before bedtime tends to make life interesting I would say. Now that is a thought worth a thousand thoughts, is life interesting or does your experience and how you live make it interesting? Now, ask yourself can you say hello to someone at the coffee shop now? Or is it another faceless video like?